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Aquila Setup Guide

Follow this guide to set up Aquila.

Setup Options

Using Docker

  1. Pull the Docker Image
    Pull the latest Docker image from <image-registry-url>.
  2. Configure Environment Variables
    Set up the necessary environment variables in a .env file (see Environment Variables section).
  3. Start the Application
    Run the Docker container using the appropriate command.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the Latest Binary
    Download the latest Aquila binary from
  2. Set Up Environment Variables
    Configure the .env file in the root folder with the required settings.
  3. Ensure Required Services Are Running
    • Redis: Ensure a Redis instance is reachable.
    • RabbitMQ: Ensure a RabbitMQ instance is also reachable.
  4. Start the Application
    Execute the binary to start Aquila.

Environment Variables

Below is a list of required environment variables for configuring Aquila:

MODESpecifies the application mode. Static: Startup using a flow file & Dynamic: Startup and continuously update from Sagittarius.
ENVIRONMENTDefines the application environment for logging and debugging (e.g., development, production).
REDIS_URLThe URL of the Redis instance Aquila connects to.
BACKEND_URLThe URL of the Sagittarius instance Aquila communicates with.
FLOW_FALLBACK_PATHPath to the flow file used for static configuration in Static mode.
RUNTIME_TOKENA runtime token for authenticated communication between Aquila and Sagittarius.


  • Ensure that all required services (Redis, RabbitMQ, Sagittarius) are properly configured and accessible before starting Aquila.
  • If using Docker, remember to map necessary ports and volumes based on your deployment requirements.