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Represents abilities that can be granted to roles in namespaces.

ASSIGN_MEMBER_ROLESAllows to change the roles of a namespace member
ASSIGN_ROLE_ABILITIESAllows to change the abilities of a namespace role
ASSIGN_ROLE_PROJECTSAllows to change the assigned projects of a namespace role
CREATE_NAMESPACE_LICENSEAllows to create a license for the namespace
CREATE_NAMESPACE_PROJECTAllows to create a project in the namespace
CREATE_NAMESPACE_ROLEAllows the creation of roles in a namespace
CREATE_RUNTIMEAllows to create a runtime globally or for the namespace
DELETE_MEMBERAllows to remove members of a namespace
DELETE_NAMESPACE_LICENSEAllows to delete the license of the namespace
DELETE_NAMESPACE_PROJECTAllows to delete the project of the namespace
DELETE_NAMESPACE_ROLEAllows the deletion of roles in a namespace
DELETE_ORGANIZATIONAllows to delete the organization
DELETE_RUNTIMEAllows to delete a runtime
INVITE_MEMBERAllows to invite new members to a namespace
NAMESPACE_ADMINISTRATORAllows to perform any action in the namespace
READ_NAMESPACE_LICENSEAllows to read the license of the namespace
READ_NAMESPACE_PROJECTAllows to read the project of the namespace
ROTATE_RUNTIME_TOKENAllows to regenerate a runtime token
UPDATE_NAMESPACE_PROJECTAllows to update the project of the namespace
UPDATE_NAMESPACE_ROLEAllows to update the namespace role
UPDATE_ORGANIZATIONAllows to update the organization
UPDATE_RUNTIMEAllows to update a runtime globally or for the namespace